Treatment That Fits Your Lifestyle
Consider aligner therapy from Mountain Orthodontics to get the straight teeth without braces.
Aligner Therapy
Aligners are much more comfortable than traditional metal bracket braces and can give you stunning results.
Aligners are made with 3D computer imaging technology and have been proven effective.
Not only are the aligners virtually invisible, but they are also removable, so you can eat and drink what you want while in treatment. Plus, brushing and flossing are no problem.
They are also more comfortable than traditional braces, with no metal or wires, which also usually means you spend less time in your doctor’s office getting adjustments.
Invisalign treatment also allows you to view your own virtual treatment plan when you start so you can see how your straight teeth will look when your treatment is complete.
We’ll take photos and X-rays to create a 3D image of your mouth. We make your first set of custom-fitted aligners from these images, and then you begin the process of straightening your teeth.
You wear each set of aligners for about two weeks, removing them only to eat, drink, brush, and floss.
As you replace each aligner with the next in the series, your teeth will move — little by little, week by week — until they have straightened to their final positions.
You’ll visit us about once every six weeks to ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned. Total treatment time averages nine to 15 months and the average number of aligners worn during treatment is between 18 and 30, but both will vary from case to case.
Take a modern approach to straightening teeth. It uses a custom-made series of aligners created for you and only you. These aligner trays are made of smooth, comfortable and virtually invisible plastic that you wear over your teeth.
Wearing the aligners will gently move your teeth into place little by little, based on the exact movements your orthodontist plans for you. There are no metal brackets to attach and no wires to tighten. You just pop in a new set of aligners about every two weeks, until your treatment is complete.
You’ll get a great smile without a treatment that gets in the way of your daily life. The best part about the whole process is that most people won’t even know you’re straightening your teeth.
This nearly-invisible option to straighten your teeth is truly changing the way people see orthodontic treatment.
Dr. Max Couch has a lot of experience treating patients with aligner therapy, and we’re excited to offer this technology to our braces patients.
“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” –John Muir
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